Here are creative image manipulations, produced without photoshop. Follow the instructions on the right to make your own at home.
Dyma driniaethau delwedd creadigol, wedi'u cynhyrchu heb photoshop. Dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau ar y dde i wneud rhai eich hun gartref.

Here's some instructions if you want to have a go yourself and if you have access to a smart phone, up to £3 scissors and glue:
Take a photo on your phone
Print out 2 or 3 copies (Can do this at local camera shop for typically under £3)
Leave one image as your base layer
Cut up the remaining prints into odd shapes and place them on top of the ‘base layer’ to create a distorted effect
Once you’re happy with their placement, glue them down
Re-photograph or scan the image (once it's dry)!
Here's some instructions if you want to have a go yourself if you have access to a smart phone and up to £1
Take a photograph on your phone
Print it out (Can do this at local camera shop for typically under £1)
Using a pair of scissors, carefully scratch off the photographic layer on the paper. Sometimes it peels away quite easily!
Re-photograph or scan the image .
Here's some instructions if you want to have a go yourself and if you have access to a smart phone, up to £1, a piece of white card or paper, scissors and glue:
Take a photograph on your phone
Print a copy out, I decided to do mine in black and white for a change. (Can do this at local camera shop for typically under £1)
Cut up the picture into small square shapes and start placing them on top of paper or card layer to create a patterned effect
Once you’re happy with their placement, stick them down
Re-photograph or scan the image.
CAUTION: Dangerous chemicals must be treated with care and protective clothing and equipment used in a well ventilated area.
Here's some instructions if you want to have a go yourself if you have access to a smart phone, up to £1 for printing and some random house hold chemicals:
Assemble what liquids you might want to experiment with, I used nail varnish remover on this picture.
Take a photograph on your phone
Print it out (Can do this at local camera shop for typically under £1)
This is the fun part - pour on small blobs of your chosen liquid, and tilt the photo around so the liquid moves and dribbles to create funky patterns. You may need to set it sit for a minute or two before the image changes colour / exposure.
Re-photograph or scan the image (once it's dry!)
Here's some instructions if you want to have a go yourself and if you have access to a smart phone, up to £1 and some paint:
Take a photograph on your phone
Print it out (Can do this at local camera shop for typically under £1)
This is the fun part - pour on paint in big blobs and tilt the photo around so the paint moves and dribbles to create funky patterns.
Re-photograph or scan the image (once it's dry) and there you go!
If you want to add a funky filter, you can download a range of free apps to do so. I decided to change mine to black and white.
Here's some instructions if you want to have a go yourself if you have access to a smart phone, a £1, some tape (masking, electrical, duct tape):
Take a photograph on your phone
Print a copy out (Can do this at local camera shop for typically under £1)
Stitch in a design of your choice.
Here's some instructions if you want to have a go yourself if you have access to a smart phone, a £1, some tape (masking, electrical, duct tape):
Take a photograph on your phone
Print a copy out, I decided to do mine in black and white for a change. (Can do this at local camera shop for typically under £1)
Cut small sections of tape and stick them down, (I used black tape as I thought it would work well with the black and white photo
Re-photograph or scan the image.
Here's some instructions if you want to have a go yourself if you have access to a smart phone, £1, glue and leaves / flowers:
Take a photograph on your phone
Print a copy out (Can do this at local camera shop for typically under £1)
Place your chosen items on the photo. Once happy with the arrangement, glue them down!
Re-photograph or scan the image.