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Fel gwirfoddolwr codi sbwriel, rwyf wedi gweld y swm syfrdanol o wastraff plastig sy'n sbwriel yng Nghymoedd De Cymru. Mae gweithio yn Soaring Supersaurus, menter Plastig Gwerthfawr sy'n troi plastig anodd ei ailgylchu ac wedi'i daflu yn gynhyrchion newydd, wedi cynyddu fy ymwybyddiaeth o'r mater dybryd hwn ymhellach.


Mae'r delweddau hyn yn darlunio perthynas rhwng bodau dynol a phlastig. Darganfuwyd y llenni plastig wedi'u taflu, yn aml ger safleoedd diwydiannol a phrif ffyrdd prysur. Mae’r delweddau hyn yn ein hatgoffa’n deimladwy o’n dibyniaeth ar blastig a’r effaith andwyol y mae’n ei chael ar ein hamgylchedd a’n llesiant – perthynas y mae’n rhaid iddi esblygu.

Wedi'i ddal yn y gwynt. Newid cerflun.

This is a colour photograph of a pale green plastic bag caught in cherry blossom branches. The sky behind is white, giving this image a limited colour palette.
This is a colour photograph of a pale green plastic bag caught in cherry blossom branches. The sky behind is white, giving this image a limited colour palette.
This is a colour photograph of a black plastic bag caught in bare Winter branches. The sky behind is grey, giving this image a limited colour palette and a bleak feeling.
This is a colour photograph of a black plastic bag caught in bare Winter branches. The sky behind is grey, giving this image a limited colour palette and a bleak feeling.
This is a colour photograph of a pale green plastic bag caught in cherry blossom branches. The sky behind is white, giving this image a limited colour palette.
This is a colour photograph of white large plastic bags caught in tree branches. The branches have small green leaves. The sky behind is a pale blue, giving this image a limited colour palette.
This is a colour photograph of white large plastic bags caught in tree branches. The branches have small green leaves. The sky behind is a pale blue, giving this image a limited colour palette.
This is a close up photography of a white large plastic bag caught in tree branches. The plastic is translucent and allows a blurred shape of tree beaches through.
This is a colour photograph of white large plastic bags caught in tree branches. The branches have small green leaves. The sky behind is a pale blue, giving this image a limited colour palette.
This is a close up photography of a white large plastic bag caught in tree branches. The plastic is translucent and allows a blurred shape of tree beaches through.
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