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Pan laciodd cyfyngiadau pandemig, ailddechreuais gasglu sbwriel yn fy nghymuned a chael fy siomi gan y doreth o fasgiau wyneb a daflwyd. I olrhain y nifer a gasglasais, dechreuais dynnu lluniau ohonynt ar fy iPhone.

This is an image made up of 49 smaller photographs of discarded face masks on the ground. They are arranged in a grid format, 7 images from top to bottom and left to right. Many of them are blue in colour, some are patterned in tones of pink and some are black. The masks lay in a range of different settings, most of which are on dark tarmac of roads and pavements and the rest are in grass verges and brambles.
This is an image made up of 49 smaller photographs of discarded face masks on the ground. They are arranged in a grid format, 7 images from top to bottom and left to right. Many of them are blue in colour, some are patterned in tones of pink and some are black. The masks lay in a range of different settings, most of which are on dark tarmac of roads and pavements and the rest are in grass verges and brambles.
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